SALE 4" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - 260 km/h Speedometer / Battery Level / SOC (AEM) sku_dd-link 0l8upv39raa SKU: FAE4-DS4 $361.30 $307.11
SALE 4" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - Amp -200-1200 / Batt Level 0-100 (AEM) sku_dd-link 0l8upv39raa SKU: FAE4-DG10 $251.07 $213.41
SALE 4" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - Amp -200-1200 / Motor Temp 40-180F (AEM) sku_dd-link 0l8upv39raa SKU: FAE4-DG8 $251.07 $213.41
SALE 4" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - Power -50-300 / Motor Temp 0-80C sku_dd-link 0l8upv39raa SKU: FAE4-DG5 $251.07 $213.41
SALE 4" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - Power -50-300 / Motor Temp 40-180F sku_dd-link 0l8upv39raa SKU: FAE4-DG6 $251.07 $213.41
SALE 4-1/2" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - 160 mph Speedometer / Battery Level / SOC (AEM) sku_dd-link 0l8upv39raa SKU: FAE45-DS2 $373.54 $317.51
SALE 4-1/2" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - Amp -200-1200 / Batt Level 0-100 (AEM) sku_dd-link 0l8upv39raa SKU: FAE45-DG10 $263.32 $223.83
SALE 4-1/2" EV Speedometer Gauge 200 km/h (AEM) sku_dd-link 0l8upv39raa SKU: FAE45-S3 $312.31 $265.47
SALE 2-5/8" EV Battery Gauge 200-400 Volts (AEM) sku_dd-link 0l8upv39raa SKU: FAE25-HV2 $158.00 $134.30
SALE 3-3/8" EV Speedometer Gauge 260 km/h (AEM) FAE3-S4 Revolutionize your electric vehicle's instrumentation with the Speedhut EV Speedometer – a precision instrument that seamlessly integrates into your EV's CAN-bus system to deliver accurate speed readings. Durably built and operating at a 500K baud rate,... $287.81 $244.64
SALE 4" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - 260 km/h Speedometer / Battery Level / SOC (AEM) FAE4-DS4 Battery Level warning light turns on below 15% Experience the next level of precision and versatility with the Speedhut Dual EV Speedometer and Battery Level Gauge, featuring a built-in warning light for added safety. This powerhouse gauge seamlessly... $361.30 $307.11
SALE 4" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - Amp -200-1200 / Batt Level 0-100 (AEM) FAE4-DG10 Batt Level warning light turns on below 15% Experience the next level of precision and versatility with the Speedhut Dual EV Amps and Battery Level Gauge, featuring a built-in warning light for added safety. This powerful combo, operating at a 500K baud... $251.07 $213.41
SALE 4" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - Amp -200-1200 / Motor Temp 40-180F (AEM) FAE4-DG8 Motor Temp warning light turns on above 160F Experience the next level of precision and versatility with the Speedhut Dual EV Amps and Motor Temp Gauge. This powerful combo features a built-in warning light for added safety and operates at a 500K baud... $251.07 $213.41
SALE 4" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - Power -50-300 / Motor Temp 0-80C FAE4-DG5 Experience the next level of precision and versatility with the Speedhut Dual EV Power and Motor Temp Gauge. This powerful combo, operating at a 500K baud rate, features a built-in warning light for added safety. With seamless integration into your EV's... $251.07 $213.41
SALE 4" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - Power -50-300 / Motor Temp 40-180F FAE4-DG6 Experience the next level of precision and versatility with the Speedhut Dual EV Power and Motor Temp Gauge. This powerful combo, operating at a 500K baud rate, features a built-in warning light for added safety. With seamless integration into your EV's... $251.07 $213.41
SALE 4-1/2" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - 160 mph Speedometer / Battery Level / SOC (AEM) FAE45-DS2 Battery Level warning light turns on below 15% Experience the next level of precision and versatility with the Speedhut Dual EV Speedometer and Battery Level Gauge, featuring a built-in warning light for added safety. This powerhouse gauge seamlessly... $373.54 $317.51
SALE 4-1/2" EV Dual Gauge (w/ warning) - Amp -200-1200 / Batt Level 0-100 (AEM) FAE45-DG10 Batt Level warning light turns on below 15% Experience the next level of precision and versatility with the Speedhut Dual EV Amps and Battery Level Gauge, featuring a built-in warning light for added safety. This powerful combo, operating at a 500K baud... $263.32 $223.83
SALE 4-1/2" EV Speedometer Gauge 120 mph (AEM) FAE45-S1 Revolutionize your electric vehicle's instrumentation with the Speedhut EV Speedometer – a precision instrument that seamlessly integrates into your EV's CAN-bus system to deliver accurate speed readings. Durably built and operating at a 500K baud rate,... $312.31 $265.47
SALE 4-1/2" EV Speedometer Gauge 200 km/h (AEM) FAE45-S3 Revolutionize your electric vehicle's instrumentation with the Speedhut EV Speedometer – a precision instrument that seamlessly integrates into your EV's CAN-bus system to deliver accurate speed readings. Durably built and operating at a 500K baud rate,... $312.31 $265.47
SALE 2-5/8" EV Amp Gauge -200 to 1200 (AEM) FAE25-AM1 Experience a new level of performance monitoring with the Speedhut EV Amps Gauge – an essential instrument that delivers precise monitoring of your EV's electrical current. Engineered with precision, this high-tech gauge operates at a 500K baud rate,... $158.00 $134.30
SALE 2-5/8" EV Battery Gauge 200-400 Volts (AEM) FAE25-HV2 The Speedhut EV High Voltage Battery Gauge offers crucial insights into your EV's electrical system health. Engineered with precision, this gauge delivers real-time monitoring of your electric vehicle's battery voltage, enabling you to optimize the... $158.00 $134.30